Have Free time? Spend it helping others

Time and Tide wait for no man, the adage goes. But then there are times when there’s so much time that you don’t feel the ticking at all! What then, is the best thing to do in such times? Try spending it helping others. It will not just make you happy while secretly discovering the inner you, which you might not know, but also lighten up a couple of others. Precisely whilst this Coronavirus pandemic, these are few cool things you can do -

From a fair world to a fair world

From a fair world to a fair world

It’s 9696 and humans are now born in 5 different colors red, white, green, black, and orange. And no one really cares what color you are. No color is a nice color. So if you differentiate one color from the other, say she’s blue, or he is orange, will that be a problem? No right? Classification is in itself ‘human’. How else will people make decisions? In fact, it has been scientifically proved to make decision making easier and faster.
