Professional Qualifications & Certifications


The Science of Sales

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Sales Management Foundations

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Sales Training: Building Your Sales Career

HubSpot Academy and offered through Coursera, 2020

Managing Your Sales Territory

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Sales Channel Management

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Sales Forecasting

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Retail Sales Management

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Sales Training: Techniques for a Human-Centric Sales Process

HubSpot Academy and offered through Coursera, 2020

Human Psychology and Consumer Behaviour

Introduction to Psychology

Yale University, offered through Coursera, 2020

Positive Psychology

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, offered through Coursera, 2020

Marketing Foundations: Understanding Consumer Behavior

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Advanced Consumer Behvaiour

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

The Neuromarketing Toolbox

Copenhagen Business School, offered through Coursera, 2020

Workplace Essentials

Crisis Communication

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Leadership Strategies for Women

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Managing Brand Reputation

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Marketing 2020

Jonah Berger on Viral Marketing

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Brand Management: Aligning Brand, Business and Behaviour

London School of Business offered through Coursera, 2020

Aligning Sales and Marketing

LinkedIn Learning (, 2020

Additional Languages

Certified in French speaking, DELF A1

Ministry of Education France, 2017